Embracing paradox in the age of the quick fix

In this seminar we will focus on the paradoxical theory of change (PTC), both as a theory and a practice.

Date | Thursday 24 October, 2024

Time | 6.30pm - 8:30pm

Where | Elie, 27 Royal Parade, Parkville.

Cost | $40 VAGP members. $50 non-members.

As gestalt therapists we practice within a broader field of wellness fads and silver bullets. The therapeutic marketplace rings with seductive offerings of self-improvement. Amidst this noise it takes support and courage to keep speaking the quietly radical message at the heart of gestalt therapy: “You don’t need to fix yourself; just come back to who you already are”.

In this seminar we will focus on the paradoxical theory of change (PTC), both as a theory and a practice. We will explore how the PTC connects to ideas from Taoism and Zen, including wu wei (“non-doing”) and “uselessness”. And we will have opportunities to connect, listen, speak, and practice.

You can expect to gain nothing from this seminar.


About our facilitator

Dr Rhys Price-Robertson is a gestalt therapist in private practice, a teaching faculty member at Gestalt Therapy Australia, and the Deputy Chair of the Victorian Association of Gestalt Practitioners.

His psychotherapeutic practice is influenced by his studies in Sōtō Zen, a tradition that embraces the idea that zazen (meditation) is not a technique, and hence not something one can get better at, but rather an invitation to step completely outside of notions of progress and improvement.

He can be contacted at rhys@hereandnowcounselling.com.au
